Summer Specialty Groups!🌞🗣️ Join Our Summer Specialty Speech and Occupational Therapy Groups! 🎉 Are you looking for an exciting and engaging way to boost your...
Office WarmingWe had a wonderful office warming party with our family and friends! We ate, laughed, played games, and most of all warmed our office...
New Office!Hello there HCSpeech friends! I just wanted to update you all on our new office by sharing a few pictures of our brand new space. We love...
Is reading to my child necessary?This blog discusses the importance of reading to your child and its relation to language.
Does my child need speech therapy?There are some red flags that may indicate that your child may need speech therapy.
First Blog PostThis is our first blog post and we are super excited about sharing this platform with you all! We want to use this blog to connect with...